Runner and servers
Bolt can works under various different environments and any PSR-15/PSR-17 implementation. Runner is the abstraction layer of this.
This is the "traditional" way of php application. If you are working an nginx+php-fpm or apache, then the litphp/runner-zend-sapi
is for you.
Create a public directory under your project, and write an entry file
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
then configure your web server point to the public directory, with all unknown request pointing to index.php, and you are done.
We use zendframework/zend-diactoros
as PSR-15 implementation by this way.
Other server containers
Swoole HTTP
do the trick for you. Call SwooleRunner::run
and run it with php.
You can use litphp/runner-react
to run your application under ReactPHP. It's pretty much same: call ReactRunner::run
Roadrunner (github) is a relative new application server. It's based on a golang - php IPC bridge, the http server is running in golang (the rr
binary), and call php process to do business logic.
So after you require litphp/runner-road-runner
, and write an entry file calling RoadRunnerWorker::run
, the entry file is a worker but not a http server. Write a .rr.yaml
specify your entry file as worker, and fire rr serve
to start the http server.
The configuration array fed into runner should be your DI (litphp/air) configuration. Entries needed by runners should all have some default value in runner. The only required entry is BoltApp::class
, which defines you application.