Introducing 0.9.0
I'm really excited to release v0.9.0 of all LitPHP components.
I'm a big fan of unopinionated frameworks, with only essential structral code included, with stable conventions and interfaces to interact with other libraries smoothly, and be least opinionated as possible. I believe this is the only way to handle the huge divergence between different projects (and even SAME project in different stages!) gracefully.
LitPHP is my dream framework, with one single opinion: embracing PSR. Under this principle we have our middleware organizer, DI container, and thin application structures around them. For more features you shoud visit our home page and documentations
The 0.9.x series aimed to be last unstable release (before 1.0). 0.8.0 was capable of production use, but without tests and docs I can't recommend it to anyone. So writing docs & tests, review API and change them early before other people start using it is the main mission of 0.9. Now I feel comfortable to release it. No BC breaking changes will be imported in future 0.9.x, and I'll start maintain a changelog and/or migrating guide before 1.0.
Here are some more useful links for you
- Quick start if you want to write codes now
- litphp/litphp is the core monorepo for key components. You should go here if you want to read codes.
- litphp/todobackend is a tiny demo project implementing Todo-Backend