Air is the dependency injection factory for litphp
composer require litphp/air
Concept of DI and air
You may read this page from PHP-DI for basic concept of dependency injection.
The two main class of air is Factory
and Container
, former is the DI factory, and the latter is container serving for DI factory. We devide them to two separate class, so Container
can focus on container logic itself, a.k.a. highly customizable key-value storage, while Factory
focus on the complex and tricky part in DI: autowiring.
Dynamic entries in Container
need to implement RecipeInterface
(and called Recipe), and recipe can be decorated by RecipeDocarators. This is also how Container
call Factory
to create DI products: built-in recipes like AutowireRecipe
or InstanceRecipe
calling Factory
to produce.
A little taste
$container = new Container();
$container->set('foo', 'bar'); // write entry directly
assert($container->get('foo') === 'bar');
$container->define('baz', new AliasRecipe('foo'));
// or ->define('baz', Container::alias('foo'))
assert($container->get('foo') === 'bar'); // use alias recipe to create alias for entry
class A {}
class B {
public $a;
public function __construct(A $a) {
$this->a = $a;
$b = Factory::of($container)->produce(B::class);
assert($b instanceof B);
assert($b->a instanceof A);