PSR compatible
PSR compatible
We love PSR standards.
Follow PSR whenever applicable (mainly container and HTTP family),
And we implement our own psr container

Friends of everyone
Friends of everyone
We try to be adpative facing both modern and legacy challenges and solutions.
Scales well from monolith to microservice; from complete application to api glue layer
Besides Restful API, GraphQL and GRPC are on roadmap
Middleware Organizer
Middleware Organizer
Nimo is your middleware organizer
In addition to middleware pipe, we have various basic middleware / handler bundled
Rethinking MVC
Rethinking MVC
Templating is never whole world of view
Router, as a part of controller, should be optional
For your business model, we avoid making any assumption
Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection
Simple & smart DI support via litphp/air
Or just delegate to any other PSR-11 container